At Cushing Vision Center we provide eye care for all visual needs

Our services include:
  • Comprehensive Eye Exams
  • Designer Eyewear
  • Contact Lens Fitting
  • Red Eye and Emergency Exams
  • Cataract Evaluations and Post Op Care
  • Lasik Consultations
  • Dry Eye Treatment
  • Medical Eye Exams
    • Diabetic and other Medical Exams
    • Plaquenil testing and Co-Management for High Risk Medications
  • Special Testing for Screening and Managing Eye Diseases
    • Visual Field Testing
    • Retinal Photography
    • OCT Imaging
    • YAG Laser Procedures
    • No Air-Puff Technology
  • All Ages Welcome!
We accept the following Vision and Medical Insurances:
  • Vision Service Plan (VSP)
  • SoonerCare
  • Medicaid
  • Medicare
  • Blue Cross and Blue Shield
  • Primary Vision Care Services (PVCS)
  • Eyemed
  • Many Others – call our office to determine your benefits

Call us at 918-225-5565 to schedule your appointment